Grinders, sanders, whetstones
- Pocket sharpeners
- Classic sharpening stones
- Knife sharpeners
- Diamond bench grinders
- Finalizing
- Honing steel and sharpeners in the shape of honing steel
- Lansky system
- Special sharpeners and accessories
Knife sharpeners include a wide range of products. Among the most popular are double-sided sharpeners, where one side is coarser and the other is finer. The knife sharpener is suitable for sharpening different types of knives: kitchen knives, pocket knives, fixed blade knives, etc. For serrated blades, a special cone-shaped sharpener should be used and the serrations gently restored from the side. The conical shape of the sharpener for serrated blades ensures that it can "fit" into most teeth.
For users who require more sophisticated systems, Lansky grinders, Worksharp knife grinders and the very precise Czech-made KMFS system are practical. Here the possibility of setting the ideal angle at the knife, the result is perfect and without too much effort of the knife owner. A sharp knife is the basis for a perfectly done job.