Product detailed description
Tradiční italské Stilleto. Vyhazovací nůž s pojistkou, který nesmí chybět v žádné sbírce. Stiletto je z pohledu mnoha uživatelů a nadšenců synonymem pro "vystřelovák", "vyhazovák" či "automat".
K odjištění čepele je použita pojistka z nerezové oceli nebo niklového stříbra, čepel se vyrábí z nerezové oceli AISI 420 nerez MA5M HRC 56. Otevření nože se provádí tlačítkem umístěným ve středu rukojeti.
Rukojeti mohou být vyrobeny z různých materiálů od barevného plastu přes naturální parohy, vzácná dřeva až po luxusní materiály jako perleť či abalone. Vložky a nýty pro stiletto se vyrábí z mosazi, pružina nože je použita z nerezové oceli.
Tento originální produkt sestavuje a skládá ručně italská firma Frank Beltrame, nikdy stroj.
Délka nože: 28 cm
Délka čepele: 12,5 cm
Ocel: W.1.4034 HRC 56 Stainless Steel
Střenka: pravý buvolí paroh
Typ čepele: Bayonet
Pojistka proti nechtěnému otevření
Made in Italy
Additional parameters
Category: | Classic folding knives |
Blade material: | stainless PLUS |
Blade length: | 10 to 15 cm |
Handle material: | polymer |
Podobné produkty
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The classic range strictly maintains handmade production. The highest quality materials are used for production. The precision and functionality of this traditional model, has always gone hand in hand with the careful selection of handle material: buffalo horn, black horn, deer horn, exotic woods, mammoth, Ebony and plastics. The knives in this line are sought after by collectors and automatic knife enthusiasts alike.
(W.1.4034 HRC 56 stainless steel).
Liners: brass OT63 OT67
Blade: W.1.4034 HRC 56 stainless steel
The Italian stiletto knife is an iconic knife that holds a significant place in history and pop culture. Its elegance, pointed shape and precise workmanship make it unique among knives. The stiletto has a rich history that dates back to the Middle Ages, and has become a popular and prized item among collectors and armourers around the world.
The Italian stiletto knife has deep roots in medieval Italy. Its name comes from the Italian word "stilo", meaning "blade". Stiletto knives became a favorite among nobility and soldiers because of their elegant appearance and ability to penetrate between the clothing and armor of the enemy. They were used in both warfare and personal defence.
The stiletto is known for its long and narrow blade, which is typically tipped with a pointed point. Its blade is usually made of stainless steel and is diamond-shaped, giving the knife excellent strength and piercing power. In addition, the typical feature of a stiletto knife is the blade, which is usually made of different materials such as wood, bone or horn. The blade can be decorated with engravings, inlays or even gems, which adds even more aesthetic value to the knife.
The Italian stiletto knife has become an object of fascination not only among collectors, but also in the world of film, literature and music. In many cult films, such as "The Godfather" or "Blade Runner", the stiletto played an important role as a symbol of power, danger or style. It was also widely depicted in the Italian Mafia and its representatives, which contributed to its mystique and popularity. The stiletto has also appeared in song lyrics and in many works of art as an inspiration.
Like many other knives, the stiletto has also been associated with controversy and illegal use. In some countries and jurisdictions, the carrying or possession of the stiletto is restricted by law due to its potential misuse as a weapon. However, it should be noted that in many cases, collectors and lovers of stiletto knives are more fascinated by its historical value and artistic design than by the weapon itself.